Periodic Update (July 2004)
Elaboration of Anti-corruption policy documents
Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau in close co-operation with other institutions involved in the corruption…
Periodic update (June 2004)
Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau
Anti-corruption Measures in LatviaJune, 2004
Current situation, results and further steps
Corruption Prevention and Combating…
On 6th April Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau called for the Anti-Corruption Policy Foreign Advisory Panel (FAP) meeting.
The Foreign Advisory Panel - consultative body - has been created…
Periodic update (April 2004)
Implementing the government's priority through the establishment of a single agency entrusted with a task both to combat and prevent corruption, elaboration of an anti…
From 3rd till 6th February a group of experts from the Group of States against corruption of the Council of Europe (GRECO - Groupe d`Etats contre la corruption) are visiting
The task of the…
Periodic update (November 2003)
Successful fight against corruption is among the top priorities of the Government. Implementing this priority through the establishment of a single agency entrusted…