In the social campaign „Do not allow!”, organized by the KNAB, has already involved a several state institutions.

KNAB has invited a state and local government institutions of Latvia to involve in the social campaign „Do not allow!”, deploying campaign posters in the public places. As first institutions, responding to the initiative, were Enterprise Register of the Latvia, the State Revenue Service, the Court Administration and Riga District Court.

The aim of the social campaign „Do not allow!” is to draw attention of society to the problems of corruption, when decisions are taken according to the interests of the briber, rather than the interests of justice, as well as to invite society to inform KNAB, facing the cases of corruption.

In the poster is visible the logo of KNAB and free anonymous helpline 80002070, where can apply everyone and to report about any signs of corruption.

KNAB invites every institution to involve in this campaign and to deploy posters of campaign in the public places.

To agree on a delivery of posters, please contact Mrs Inta Nolle, Senior Specialist of the Policy Planning Division of the KNAB by phone 67356189 or by e-mail: