The latest opinion poll of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) shows that the willingness of people to report corruption is increasing every year. When confronted with corruption cases, 63% of the population would be willing to report, increasingly choosing to provide information to KNAB anonymously.

Since 2021, KNAB has been conducting opinion polls to establish the attitudes of people and businesses towards corruption. Survey data show an increasing willingness to report corruption, namely, 63% of the population confirmed this last year and 46% of them would be willing to report anonymously. The trend of anonymous reporting is increasing year by year, while the number of people who would not report corruption at all is decreasing.

In 2024, 44% of the population said they would report possible corruption to KNAB. Compared to 2021, this indicator has increased by 10% and KNAB attributes this increase to the growing trust in the anti-corruption institution. People can inform KNAB through various channels, including anonymously via the online platform or the mobile app ‘Ziņo KNAB!’ (Report to KNAB!) which allows all informants to follow the progress of their reports.

Opinion poll data show growing negative reactions among people and businesses towards the use of informal solutions to deal with various issues and towards bribery. Up to now the lowest level of the population, i.e. 17%, said they had used informal solutions in the last two years, most often personal contacts such as friends and acquaintances. Informal solutions were most often chosen by people to get healthcare, deal with court cases, and find a job in a state or local government institution.

There has been a significant decrease in the use of informal solutions among businesses, in particular, last year only 7% of businesses admitted to having used such practices in the last two years. Use of personal contacts was the most popular informal solution for businesses as well. This is the most frequent option when dealing with construction-related issues.

The willingness of people and businesses to offer a bribe to a public official if it would help solve an issue has decreased in 2024 in comparison with 2023. In total, 17% of people and 21% of businesses confirmed that they would be willing or most likely would be willing to offer a bribe, while the number of respondents saying they would not be willing to offer a bribe increased. People admit that they would weigh in favour of offering a bribe to have more certainty that the issue will be solved. The main argument against bribery is that it is morally unacceptable. Meanwhile, businesses are more likely to offer a bribe in order to solve an issue more quickly.

In order to reduce corruption, people believe there is a need for greater transparency of information about those who influence decision-making and stricter control over procurements. Meanwhile, businesses are convinced that tough and realistic penalties for offenders, as well as greater openness and transparency, would help reduce corruption.

The opinion poll was carried out among 1001 people aged 18 and over and 402 companies conducting business in Latvia. The survey was carried out by the market and social research centre “Latvijas Fakti” on behalf of KNAB in the period from 22 November 2024 to 10 January.