Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has prepared an informative report „Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Guidelines for 2009 to 2013 and the Programme”.

It contains information about the tasks of the Programme that public institutions have fulfilled during the period from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2013.

The overall objective of the Programme is to define tasks, to plan their implementation and to estimate financing for implementation of the Anti-Corruption guidelines for 2009 to 2013 in order to ensure reaching the objectives of corruption prevention and combating policy. During the economic downfall financing was allocated by each institution within the provided annual budget, therefore the lack of resources has affected reaching objectives of the anti-corruption policy. Particularly critical problem was the lack of financing in such institution as law enforcement agencies, health care institutions and institutions, responsible for the structural funds of the European Union in the country.

The collected information indicates that the responsible authorities in the framework of their mandate have fully implemented about 83% of the planned tasks, while 7% of the tasks are partially completed, 10% tasks were not completed. In state and local government institutions from 24 assigned tasks in total, 23 tasks were implemented, whereas one task ("Training of judges on issues of corruption prevention and ethics") is considered as partially executed. From 47 tasks aimed to achieve a specific result, 36 tasks were completed, but 7 were not completed and 4 tasks remain partially implemented.