The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia (KNAB) publishes the information report "On the Final Impact Assessment of the Implementation of the Guidelines for the Corruption Prevention and Combating 2015 – 2020". This policy planning document summarises information on the implementation of tasks and measures in the area of preventing and combating corruption in Latvia for the period 2015-2022.
Mr. Jēkabs Straume, Director of KNAB: "Preventing and combating corruption rests on several pillars, one of which is effective cooperation. KNAB works together with other institutions and the non-governmental sector towards a common goal - an open, honest and corruption-free society. This is reflected in the progress made so far in implementing various anti-corruption measures. If all the parties involved continue working in a determined and systematic way, Latvia can make faster progress in the fight against corruption."
The information summarised shows that the responsible authorities have fully implemented 75% of the tasks and actions within their area of competence, 16% have been implemented partially, while 9% have not been implemented. Most of the tasks and practical anti-corruption activities carried out by KNAB and other public institutions were related to the development of various regulatory enactments and legal framework, incl. improvement of the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in the Activities of Public Officials and the Criminal Law, as well as methodological development of guidelines, information materials and methodologies.
During the previous programming period, KNAB and other institutions have made significant progress in reducing corruption, including by introducing a mandatory requirement for state and local government institutions, as well as their capital companies to introduce a functioning internal anti-corruption control system, which is an effective way for institutions to reduce or even eliminate risks of corruption and conflict of interest.
Summarising the achievements of the previous years, KNAB concluded that significant institutional resources have been invested in prevention, public information and education, as well as in reducing public tolerance towards corruption. Control over the financial activities of political organisations has also been improved, including through the introduction of the Electronic Data Input System, as well as by defining the types of target groups for the use of state budget funding allocated to political organisations, permissible expenses and limits.