The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) on 23rd April of 2015, reviewing the materials of the administrative violation case relating the Mr Modris Toka, Police officer of the Kurzeme Department of the Riga Municipal Police, found out that Mr Modris Toka combined his position of public official with another position without the written permission of the Head of the institution, thus violating the norms of the Law „On Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”.

From 13 January of 2014 till the 23 April of 2015 Mr Modris Toka combined his position in the Kurzeme Department of the Riga Municipal Police with position of Board member in the Stock Company „ELMT”. It was done without the written permission of the Head of the Riga Municipal Police.

Taking decision regarding the Mr Modris Toka, were considered the nature of the violation, personality of the Mr Modris Toka, the degree of the guilt and financial situation. Until the adoption of the decision Mr Modris Toka has not been called to the administrative liability for the violation of the norms of the Law „On Prevention of Conflicts of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”.

KNAB decided to call Mr Modris Toka to administrative liability according to Article 166.30 of the Latvian Administrative Violations Code for the breach of the restrictions for the combining public official position with another one. Mr Modris Toka was punished with a fine of 70 euros.

The date of entry into force: 21 May of 2015.