The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) publishes its developed practical information material "How to recognize corruption" in English. The material aims to promote public ability to notice signs indicating possible corrupt behaviour and compiles examples and signs that may indicate possible corruption at various levels.

Corruption is a hidden criminal offense, but in many situations other people may notice suspicious coincidences and even signs that may indicate the involvement of public officials in corruption. In order to strengthen public ability to recognize corruption, KNAB has compiled examples in its informative material, as well as general and specific signs of possible corruption at the following levels: administrative or everyday, political or high-level, as well as in the area of public procurement and party financing.
KNAB encourages everyone not remain silent about possible corruption. It is important to emphasize that timely reporting, without informing other persons about the fact of reporting, accelerates the detection of illegal activities and obtaining necessary evidence, as well as increases the likelihood of bringing the guilty persons to justice. One can report to KNAB by sending information electronically to, filling out the reporting form on, or using the mobile application "Ziņo KNAB".
The informative material was developed and published in Latvian in 2022.