On 10 October the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (the Bureau) marks its 13th anniversary since its foundation.

During these years the Bureau has received and registered more than 17 200 applications and complains.

By controlling activities of public officials to prevent conflict of interest and restrictions set  to them the Bureau has taken more than 1750 decisions of violations of the law and in administrative cases and in 1005 cases public officials were fined in total amount 79 205 EUR.

During these 13 years the Bureau has sent for criminal prosecution 276 criminal cases against 624 persons.

The Bureau has an authority to monitor financing of political parties. During these 13 years the Bureau has ensured the inspection of the legitimacy of donations to political parties in total amount 32 310 000 EUR. The Bureau has ensured also the inspection of the use of public funding to political parties in nine election campaigns. For violation of the party financing and pre-election campaign rules the Bureau has imposed fines in total amount 104 617 EUR.
The Bureau has actively involved in the process of improvement of the legal framework – many regulations have been elaborated regarding the prevention of conflict of interests, transparency of lobbying, lease of the state and municipalities’ property, income control of natural persons, as well as criminal liability for corruptive crimes and legal protection for officials who report corruptive crimes, as well as legal framework of political party financing and pre-electing campaigning. Additionally several important amendments have been approved related to Latvia’s membership in international organisations and approval of international conventions.

The Bureau is an independent public administration institution under the supervision of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Bureau is the leading specialised anti-corruption authority of Latvia. Its aim is to fight corruption in Latvia in a coordinated and comprehensive way through prevention, investigation and education. The Bureau was established in October 2002 and is fully operation since February 2003.

The Director of the Bureau would like to thank all employees of the Bureau for successful work in the interests of the society and would like to express gratitude to all inhabitants of Latvia for their strong resistance to corruption.