Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has finalized examinations with regards to observance of rules of political parties financing in 2012 and in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the Law  issued review on detected violations.

From the beginning of 2012 the state funding is allocated to political parties and organizations. As a result of verification of reports four decisions have been made concerning detected violations of use of state funding and restrictions of the payment procedures. According to the decisions of KNAB political parties are due to reimburse to the state budget 68 573, 90 EUR.

Taking into consideration that no election campaigns were launched in 2012 the amount of donated money has substantially decreased to 723 960 EUR and 1045 units of donation. In the context of the received illegal donations KNAB has ruled two decisions on the subject of reimbursement to the state budget 5 903,61 EUR (Ls 4149,08).

During the period under the review 22 decisions of enacting administrative sanctions were adopted by KNAB and imposed administrative fine in amount 1301,93 EUR, verbal reprimands were addressed to nine parties.

Most of the detected violations were related to failure to submit annual reviews or failure to follow the deadline of submission. All decisions for imposing administrative fines are entered in force. In 8 cases political parties have not not paid imposed fines, therefor these decisions are passed to sworn bailiffs for coercive execution.