In 2024, the number of complaints and signals received by the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia (KNAB) through its reporting channels tripled. Information has been received regarding alleged misconduct and corruption offences by public officials, which KNAB attributes to an increase in the population’s trust.
In 2024, the volume of information received through all KNAB reporting channels increased by 33%. Compared to 2023, the number of reports via the online reporting platform and its mobile app "Ziņo KNAB!", increased tenfold. The number of calls also increased by 50%. KNAB attributes this rise to a growing level of trust in the anti-corruption institution, which is also confirmed by the results of a sociological survey conducted by KNAB last year.
The results of the KNAB's activities in the area of combating corruption over the past year show that the proportion of official crimes investigated by KNAB and the proportion of criminal cases referred for prosecution is relatively stable. Last year, the most frequently investigated criminal offence in proceedings initiated by KNAB was abuse of the official status, and bribery, while the most common criminal offenses referred for prosecution were bribery and disclosure of non-disclosable information. The average duration of investigations in criminal proceedings initiated by KNAB was seven months, demonstrating the institution's ability to efficiently obtain and consolidate evidence to bring alleged offenders to justice.
In 2024, 20 criminal cases investigated by KNAB against 42 individuals were heard in the courts – almost half as many as the previous year. Three of the aforementioned individuals were sentenced to between one and two years' imprisonment. Currently, 92 criminal proceedings are still pending.
In the area of corruption prevention, KNAB achieved the highest number of individuals trained in the last five years. KNAB reached more than 11 thousand public officials, entrepreneurs and other groups of the society, educating them about conflict of interest prevention, ethics and various other anti-corruption matters. KNAB reminds that education is one of the key ways in which institutions can prevent corruption and conflict of interest risks, thereby reducing the possibility for employees to commit misconduct or engage in corrupt practices.
Last year, KNAB also continued to actively participate in the development and improvement of anti-corruption legislation, achieving several nationally significant changes. For example, public officials will now be criminally liable for offences such as abuse of official status and omission, if committed with intent to obtain an undue advantage for themselves or others.
Additionally, last year, alongside amendments to the Pre-election Campaign Law, which clarified the use of artificial intelligence in political campaigning, the powers of KNAB in monitoring pre-election campaign were expanded. Since last year, KNAB has been the responsible authority authorized to ban the placement and distribution of paid pre-election campaign material if artificial intelligence tools were used to create the material, and this fact is not clearly and unambiguously stated. KNAB is also responsible for ensuring that no automated or anonymous social media accounts are used for pre-election campaigning on social networks and elsewhere on the internet.
In the area of control over the activities of public officials, KNAB continued to observe an increase in 2024 in violations of the conflict of interest prevention regulation, particularly in relation to combining public official positions, being in conflict of interest situations, as well as illegal actions involving the property and financial means of a public officials. When analysing these violations, it can be concluded that they are often related to the negligence and careless attitude of public officials towards the procedure established by laws and regulations. Last year, KNAB demanded that officials reimburse to the state the damages amounting to at least 34 thousand euros caused by such violations.