The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has started a social campaign, disposing posters in the cities of Latvia and airport, calling society to report about corrupt dealings and not to be silent.

On 1st June, in the opening event of the campaign, held in the Riga Graduate School of Law, Mr Jaroslavs Streļčenoks, Director of the KNAB said, that sociological survey shows a positive trend, due to an increase in the number of people, who believe that corruption level in Latvia is reduced. "What is required to reduce this level even more? The key to it is a moral position that to give a bribe is not acceptable" underlined Director of the KNAB. Statistics shows, that morally unacceptable to give a bribe is for 38% inhabitants. The survey also shows that around half of inhabitants would report on corruption if there were a reason.

The Media was addressed by Mr Aivars Borovkovs, Chairman of Public Consultative Council of the KNAB, Ms Inese Druviete, Associate professor of the Riga Graduate School, as well as by the author of the poster Ms Līga Krūmale.

Ms Līga Krūmale, student of the Ezere secondary school, was a winner of the contest of 2006, when she took a part in the contest, organized by KNAB, of creative works.

The aim of the social campaign „Do not allow!” is to draw attention of society to the problems of corruption, when decisions are taken according to the interests of the briber, rather than the interests of justice, as well as to invite society to inform KNAB, facing the cases of corruption.

From 25 May of this year, in the several cities of Latvia (Bauska, Jelgava, Jekabpils, Jurmala, Sigulda, Tukums, Valmiera and Ventspils) are visible posters, which invites do not tolerate corruption.

In the poster is portrayed Themis, the goddess of justice (Greek mythology), the character of a fair trial, in which scales is placed a bag with bribes (illegal benefits), but these scales tries to countervail another character, in such way do not allowing  scales to weight for corruption.

The slogan of the poster „Do not allow!”, is inviting do not tolerate corrupt activities, not only in judicial area but also in every area of life. It is calling to prevent the power of money over justice.

Within the framework of social campaign, in public places - state and local government institutions, airport „Riga”, as well as in the city streets of Latvia is disposed posters „Do not allow!” in which is visible the logo of KNAB and free anonymous helpline 80002070, where can apply everyone and to report about any signs of corruption.