The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has initiated a criminal proceeding against the Senior state environmental inspector of Northvidzeme Biosphere Reserve of the Nature Conservation Agency for the possible request of the bribe (3rd part of the Article 320 of the Criminal Law).
Gained evidence by the KNAB, witnesses, that the mentioned environmental inspector requested a bribe in amount of 700 EUR for the restoration of the carriage, placed in the immovable property of the Salacgriva district.
To the suspected person have been applied a non-custodial security measures – prohibition to approach a specific person and a prohibition to take a specific office.
To protect interests of the investigation, at this stage the more detailed information is not provided.
KNAB expresses a gratitude to the Nature Conservation Agency and its employees for the support during the investigation of this case.
KNAB states that no one person is considered as guilty until his guilt of a criminal offence is proved in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law.