The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has addressed the foreign entrepreneurs, who has been registered in Latvia, with the call to seek the KNAB if it faces corruption in the business environment.

To more than 34 000 foreign entrepreneurs (individual merchants, limited liability companies and joint stock companies) were sent a letter with information about the risks of corruption, prevention and the fight against corruption in companies and possibilities to implement preventive measures against the corruption and fraud.

This is one of the next steps, taken by the KNAB, in order to achieve the main goal – to reduce the shadow economy in Latvia.

In accordance with the requirements of the OECD Convention on combating bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions, KNAB, in the summer of the 2014, translated and prepared the Latvian version of the “Anti-Corruption Ethics and Compliance Handbook for Business” (

The Handbook contains the necessary information for entrepreneurs about the main management instruments for the international business and their practical implementation in real life, as well as it contains examples from the enterpreneurs practice, implementing the policy of anti-corruption.

In nowdays, corruption has a significant impact on all areas of human life and to all sectors of the economy. Corruption in all its forms creates a significant risks to the entrepreners operation, creating social inequalities and denies a stable development of a society.

Entrepreneurs are invited to seek the KNAB, when facing the corruption, using following contacts: Brīvības street 104 k -2, Riga, LV-1001, phones: 673561618000 20 70 (free daily) or to send submissions to e-mail:

KNAB guarantees anonymity and protection against corruption.

KNAB letter (English version)