In accordance with the competence and powers of the Bureau, defined in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”, in January of 2016, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has enacted administrative sanctions to the following State officials of Latvia:

1.    To the Mrs Ināra Ņikuļina, Deputy of the Council of Balvi district for violation of restrictions for State officials stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” regarding the action with local government property. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mrs Ināra Ņikuļina was executed with fine of 70 euros;
2.    To the Mr Ivans Baranovs, Deputy of the Council of the Municipality of Balvi for violation of restrictions for State officials stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” regarding the action with local government property, combining of the posts and violation of restrictions of earning of income. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mr Ivans Baranovs was executed with fine of 115 euros;
3.    To the Mr Vilnis Dzenis, the former Head of the Tilža municipality for violation of restrictions for State officials stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” regarding the action with local government property and violation of restrictions of earning of income. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mr Vilnis Dzenis was executed with fine of 85 euros;
4.    To the Mr Gints Kukainis, Chairman of the Council of Municipality of Smiltene district for violation of restrictions for State officials stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” regarding the earning of income. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mr Gints Kukainis was executed with fine of 120 euros;
5.    To the Mrs Ilze Bagatska, Board Member of the State Stock Company „Latvijas pasts”, for the violation of restrictions regarding the combining of the posts stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”. In accordance with the Article 166.28 and 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mrs Ilze Bagatska was executed with fine of 85 euros;
6.    To the Mr Kārlis Barančs, Board Member of the limited liability company “Brocēnu ceļš” owned by municipality for the violation of restrictions stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” regarding the combining of the posts and violation of restrictions regarding the earning of income. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mr  Kārlis Barančs was executed with fine of 110 euros;
7.    To the Mrs Sandra Smilškalne, Director of the Sport School for children of Līvāni for the repeatedly violation of restrictions stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” regarding the combining of the posts. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mrs Sandra Smilškalne was executed with fine of 100 euros;
8.    To the Mrs Rita Pole, Director of the Pļaviņas District Secondary School with Odziena branch for violation of restrictions for State officials stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” acting in his son’s interests using her position. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mrs Rita Pole was executed with fine of 70 euros;
9.    To the Mr Artūrs Mangulis, Chairman of the Council of Municipality of Ogre district for violation of restrictions for State officials stated in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials” acting in his own interests using his position in bad faith. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mr Artūrs Mangulis was executed with fine of 70 euros.

In accordance with the 31st Article of „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”, KNAB publishes information on its home page about detected violations in actions of State officials.