In accordance with the competence and powers of the Bureau, defined in the „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”, in June of 2015, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has enacted administrative sanctions to the following State officials.

1.    To the Mr Valdis Viļums, Manager of the Building Construction Board of the Municipality of Aglona and Dagda districts, for violation of restrictions for State officials and for performance of the functions of the State official in the situation of conflict of interests. In accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, Mr Valdis Viļums was executed with fine of 275 euros;
2.    To the Mr Gatis Gailītis, Commander of the Second Regional Security center of the National Armed Forces, for the violation of restrictions regarding the combining of the posts and violation of restrictions of earning of income. Bureau has decided to held Mr Gatis Gailītis to administrative liability in accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, imposing fine of 70 euros;
3.    To the Mr Andris Korjo, Board Member of the Stock Company „Ziemeļkurzeme”, what belongs to the Council of the Dundaga district, for the violation of restrictions regarding the combining of the posts and violation of restrictions of earning of income. Bureau has decided to held Mr Andris Korjo to administrative liability in accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, imposing fine of 70 euros;
4.    To the Mr Jānis Brikmanis, Board Member of the Capital Company „Durbes KS”, belonging to the Council of the Durbe district, for performance of the functions of the State official in the situation of conflict of interests and for violation of restrictions regarding the combination of offices of the State official. Bureau has decided to held Mr Jānis Brikmanis to administrative liability in accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, imposing fine of 125 euros;
5.    To the Mr Andris Liepa, Senior expert of the Nature Conservation Agency, for violation of restrictions regarding the combination of offices of the State official.  Bureau has decided to held Mr Andris Liepa to administrative liability in accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, imposing fine of 70 euros;
6.    To the Mrs Baiba Pelse, Deputy of the Council of the Līgatne district, for the performance of the functions of the State official in the situation of conflict of interests. Bureau has decided to held Mrs Baiba Pelse to administrative liability in accordance with the Article 166.30 of Latvian Administrative Violations Code, imposing fine of 70 euros.

In accordance with the 31st Article of „Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Activities of Public Officials”, KNAB publishes information on its home page about detected violations in actions of State officials.