The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has sent a criminal proceeding materials to the Prosecutor’s General Office asking it to initiate a criminal prosecution against the judge of the Riga District Court for the taking a bribe, misappropriation of a bribe and to initiate a criminal prosecution against the businessman for the giving a bribe.

During the investigation, KNAB found out, that businessman, whose enterprises were involved in the several proceedings, in order to achieve favourable decision of the court, repeatedly gived a bribes to state official, who holded a responsible position – judge of the Riga District Court.

During the mentioned investigation KNAB realized that state official accepted a bribe for severelat times, as well as, did a misappropriation of a bribe, totally accepting as bribe more than 45 00 EUR.

Investigator of the KNAB asks the Prosecutor’s General Office to initiate a criminal prosecution against the mentioned state official according to the 4th Part of Section 320, 2nd Part of Section 321, and against the businessman according to the 1st Part of Section 323 and 2nd Part of Section 323 of the Criminal Law.

KNAB states that no person is considered guilty until his guilt of a criminal offence is proved in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law.