Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) has awarded winners of the audio contests dedicated to the anti-corruption theme.

Winners are announced in two groups – first group includes school grades from 5th to 9th and second group includes secondary school grades from 10th to 12th, vocational school, as well as college and university students.

In the first group:

•    The first place and money prize 100 EUR is awarded to Gregors Matīss, Emīls Elksnītis and Eliass Valters for the work „Cep, cep kukulīti!”;
•    The second place and money prize 75 EUR is awarded Līga Zunde for work „Reiz korupcijai galu lemsim Un alkatīgos zagļus ķersim”;
•    The third place and and money prize is awarded Alise Vereskova, Ģirts Brucis, Dainis Strautiņš, Gatis Vasiļjevs, Karīna Ēbere un Matīss Brucis for work „Gribi pārsprāgt? Laikam – nē! Dari godīgi! Vienmēr!”;
•    Certificate of recognition is awarded Nikola Letīcija Aleksandrova for work „Korupcijai saki nē! Tai nav vietas šai pasaulē, Esi gudrs, tu – mans draugs, Un ar mani kopā šo saukli sauc!”.

In the second group:

•    The first place and money prize 100 EUR is awarded Valters Piļķis for work „Saki korupcijai nē, jo viss sākās ar Tevi!”;
•    The second place and money prize 75 EUR is awarded Amanda Strode and Kristīne Cēsniece for work „Sāc ar sevi!”;
•    Certificate of recognition is awarded Nikola Letīcija Aleksandrova for work „Korupcijai saki nē! Tai nav vietas šai pasaulē, Esi gudrs, tu – mans draugs, Un ar mani kopā šo saukli sauc!”.

There was also awarded a special prize for the audience sympathy. Anyone interested in the social network Facebook page " Mēs pret korupciju " could vote for their sympathy – award goes to Alise Vereskova, Ģirts Brucis, Dainis Strautiņš, Gatis Vasiļjevs, Karīna Ēbere and Matīss Brucis for work „Gribi pārsprāgt? Laikam – nē! Dari godīgi! Vienmēr!”.

The Director of KNAB is special grateful to the radio „Skonto” representative Katrīna Pasternaka, Transparency international Latvia “Sabiedrība par atklātību - Delna” representative Gundars Jankovs and to the Latvian Association of Broadcasters executive director Gunta Līdaka for for arranging activities and the promotion prīzes for audio format contest participants.

All audio format works can be heard in the social network „Facebook” page „Mēs pret korupciju”.