On 30th September, within discussion "Morning activity for business immunity" Association of small and medium-sized enterprises of Latvia (LMVUA) and the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) discussed on the issues relating to the internal control mechanisms and risk management measures for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Both parties expressed interest to join forces for close cooperation with aim to provide a support mechanism for small and medium-sized enterprises, which will help to protect their rights against dishonest organisations and their supporters of interest among the state officials.

Representatives of the KNAB emphasised the role of the Code of Ethics as internal control measure, where included principles may be mandatory not only in one small company, but in the  whole sector as well. The big role in the implementation of the internal control mechanisms has principles, set by the manager of the enterprise and informing of the employees that they should be followed.

Adviser of the LMVUA, Mr. Arnis Lazdenieks pointed that the Association supports  KNAB cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises. At the same time he indicated that this decision is also linked to a willingness of the enterpraises to take responsibility and to be fair and transparent.

Representatives of the KNAB received „Certification” from LMVUA as gratitude for the fact that KNAB has talked to and informed the Association about the innovations in the field of internal control mechanisms for corruption risks prevention.
Association of small and medium-sized enterprises of Latvia was founded in 2013 and brings together more than 300 members. Its aim is to promote the livingness of the small and medium-sized enterprises, performing the activities for the strengthening of the business “immunity”, aimed at reducing the risks of entrepreneurial activity in non-financial area.