Results of Survey carried out by the Social and market research agency „Latvijas fakti” confirms that in this year is observed the lowest level of corrupt activities in comparison with all the previous surveys, done since January of 1999.

According to the dynamics of the results, obtained during the Survey, shows that continue to fall the number of people, who have been committed corrupt activities the following fields: health care, in the contact with the Road police, registration of the vehicle or technical inspection of it, getting a passport or its change, acquisition of permission for residence.

There is a worrying trend in the field of court, because has increased a number of respondents (11,9% – 2015; 10,9% to 2014), who have done corrupt activities using unofficial payments, gifts and acquaintances.

The dynamics of the results, found during the Survey, shows, that is continuing trend, that number of residents, who have made the relatively serious corrupt activities – has given bribes into amounts above 7 EUR or has given valuable gifts (7,1% - 2015; 8,9% to 2014; 11,5% - 2012).

Opportunity to give a bribe to a public official has admitted 22,2% of the surveyed inhabitants of Latvia and it is about 7,3% less than in 2014. The main reasons why people might decide to give a bribe to a public official is the same, what  in the previous surveys – the belief that the problem will be dealt at all, the problem will be dealt sooner, officials will be more forthcoming and will be achieved a positive solution for the problem.

Positively can be evaluated a changing of public attitude, facing cases of corruption. Ready to report about corruption cases is 11,9% of the surveyed inhabitants of Latvia and it is about 2,5% more than in 2014. As well as for 4,6% has decreased the number of people, who are not ready to report on cases of corruption in general. In addition to mentioned, about 5,5% has decreased (from 20,6% to 15,1%) the number of those respondents, who facing personally with corruption, wouldn’t informed on that none authority.

The Survey was carried out in the period from 6 November to 17 November of 2015, and within it were questioned 1009 permanent inhabitant of the Republic of Latvia in age from 15 to 74 years.

The Survey_2015