The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB), assessing the possible violations of financing of the political parties, during the election of the Parliament in 2014, has determined that five political parties indicated a false information in their declarations, in total, hiding means in amount of 71 325 euro.

Such violations has done „Jaunā konservatīvā partija”, "Vienotība", "Vienoti Latvijai", "Saskaņa", „Zaļo un zemnieku savienība”. Assessing the declarations of election expenses, submitted by political parties, KNAB, regarding these political parties, started an administrative violation case and took decision to hold them to administrative liability, imposing a fine of 5300 euros. The largest fine - 4300 euro – was imposed to the political party „Vienotība”, because it has not been indicated 21 natural persons, that were recognized as related with this political party and expenditures of the pre-election campaign for eight Deputy candidates, what in total made 58 377 euro.

In connection to the 12nd Elections of Parliament, held in 2014, in total KNAB has carried out 17 checks to assess a possibility of hidden political campaigning. Additionally, has been carried out 9 checks to find out, if there has been a possible use of administrative resources during the pre-election campaign and 24 checks to assess the possible violations of the procedure of pre-election campaign.

KNAB found out that 5 political parties have not been followed to the report about gifts received and a notification regarding the order for the submission of the pre-election campaign. These violations were done by ”Jaunā konservatīvā partija”, "Saskaņa", „Zaļo un zemnieku savienība”, „Brīvs no bailēm, naida un dusmām” and „Vienoti Latvijai”.

Overall, the political parties has spent 3,7 million euros for pre-election campaigns. The lists of candidates were submitted by 13 parties.

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