On 10 June was held the meeting of the Council of Latvian Association of local and regional government (LPS), during which Mr Jaroslavs Streļčenoks, Director of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) gave a speech.

Director of the KNAB, during the speech, invited the members of the local and regional governments to involve and support KNAB’s social campaign “Do not allow!”.

Also during the meeting the posters of campaign were distributed to the members of local and regional governments with request to deploy them in the public places, therefore trying to draw attention of society to the problems of corruption.

The society is invited do not tolerate corrupt activities, not only in judicial area but also in every area of life. It is called to prevent the power of money over justice.

In the posters „Do not allow!” is visible the logo of KNAB and free anonymous helpline 80002070, where can apply everyone and to report about any signs of corruption.

KNAB invites every institution to involve in this campaign and to deploy posters of campaign in the public places.

Council of Latvian Association of local and regional government (LPS) is decision making institution, which manages the work of LPS during the meantime of Congress. In accordance with the Statute of LPS, the Council consists of not more than 124 local government representatives. The Council includes chairman of LPS, chairmans of local government councils, as well as six Riga City Council members elected by the Riga City Council.