From 16 to 18 April the Director of Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) Jaroslavs Streļčenoks takes part in the meetings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for non-memberstates at the OECD headquarters in Paris, France.

The Director will take part in the 4th Meeting of the Anti-corruption Network (ACN) Law-Enforcement Network, will discuss the draft of the Thematic Study on Responsibility of Legal Persons for Corruption and to exchange best practice among the ACN law-enforcement practitioners.

The 13th Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan Meeting will discuss the review report on Mongolia, the third round monitoring report on Tajikistan.

The 16th ACN Steering Group Meeting will discuss the progress in implementing the ACN Work Programme 2013-2015, including the Istanbul Action Plan, the Thematic Studies and the Steering Group tasks related to fundraising and evaluation.