On Tuesday, 10th March of 2015, after the meeting of the Corruption Prevention Committee in Parliament, its chairman Mr Aleksejs Loskutovs summarized, that Members of the Committee positively assess the results of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) work in 2014.

„Looking through the indicators of the KNAB work in the previous year, it can be concluded, that in the previous year KNAB has achieved the best results in the last few years, in all its areas of activity: areas of control over actions of public officials and financial control over political parties, both in combating corruption and also in the area of the work with applications of the natural and legal persons” concludes Mr Aleksejs Loskutovs.

Performing control over actions of public officials, in 2014 KNAB has took a largest number of decisions in administrative violation cases, imposing fine to 100 public officials in total amount of more than 10 000 EUR, says the Chairman of the Committee, adding, that in the last year numbers of criminal proceedings, sent to the criminal prosecution, and the number of persons, involved in that, historically are the highest.

Also an important indicator of the performance of the KNAB is financial control over political parties, indicates Mr Aleksejs Loskutovs, informing, that in 2014 KNAB has made 46 decisions in administrative violation cases, and in 39 cases were imposed fines.

A very important indicator is the growing public intolerance against corruption, what indicates a record - high submission of applications from natural and legal persons, as well as a record – high number of received calls to the help-line, highlights Chairman of the Committee, drawing attention to the growing of the Corruption Perception Index during the recent years.

As important area Mr Aleksejs Loskutovs also mention active participation in legislation process, participating in working groups of normative acts, also providing opinions on draft laws made by state government and local government institutions. In 2014 KNAB provided 150 opinions about draft laws, what is significant work to ensure law quality, reducing risks of the corruption, emphasizes the Chairman of the Committee.

The Press Service of the Parliament

Information Report “On Activities of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau from 1 July to 31 December 2014”