On 17th December, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) awarded the winners of photo contest „We against corruption!”, which was dedicated to the raising of awareness in the corruption prevention field.

Winners were appointed in the two age categories: students from 7 to 9 class, and students from class 10 to 12, which included industrial schools students, professional schools students, and also university or college students.

In the category „Students from 7 to 9 classes”:
• The first place and the 100 EUR prize is awarded to Naukšēnu branch Ķoņu County High School students for work „No – to bribery!”;
• The second place and the 80 EUR prize is awarded to Māra Rušmane (Jelgava 4th Secondary School) for work „Take the money and keep silent!”;
• The third place and the 50 EUR prize is awarded to Zinta Prodniece and Evita Reiņikova (Krustpils Elementary School) for work „We are with and for KNAB!”.

In the category „Students from class 10 to 12”:
• The first place and the 100 EUR prize is awarded to Rasma Kroģere and Olga Rimdenoka (Jelgava’s State gymnasium) for work „Do you have a shadow?”;
• The second place and the 80 EUR prize is awarded to the 29/30 group of Riga Fashion and Style professional secondary school for the group work „We against corruption”;
• The third place and the 50 EUR prize is awarded to 12th class of V.Plūdoņa Kuldīga’s gymnasium for work „If you are a corrupt, then you are really cheap!”.

There was also a special prize of audience sympathy. Anyone interested, in the social network „Facebook”, could vote for their sympathy. Most „Likes” and therefore the prize of audience received Ričards Ozoliņš (Riga’s Teika Secondary School) for work „Help to limit corruption!”.

Also promotion prizes were presented about the activity, creative ideas, supplement to the KNAB image bank and about the photo artistic quality.

As well as, recognitions for investment in educating children on anti-corruption issues were given to teachers.

During the contest also were presented awards from the cooperation institutions of KNAB and also photographers.

All works of photo contest can be seen in the social network „Facebook” „We against corruption!”

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