Today, on 27th January, international anti-corruption agency “Transparency International” has released a data of 2015 about Corruption Perceptions Index for 168 states in the world.

This data shows that Latvia has gained a score of 55 points (from 100) and gets 40th position, what means that Latvia during 2015 has stepped up for 3 places.

For the third year Latvia is not among the countries, where corruption is considered to be a serious problem.

Comparing Latvia with neighbor countries – Lithuania on 2015 has reached 61 points, but Estonia - 70 points.

Place (2013.→2014.→2015.) (increase) State Rating  (2013.→2014.→2015.) (increase)
28→26→23 (+5)
Estonia 68→69→70 (+2)
43→39→32 (+11) 
Lithuania 57→58→61 (+4)
49→43→40 (+9)  
Latvia 53→55→55 (+2)

In Latvia this index is calculated already 17 years and during this period have been both highs and lows.

This year's score improvement is the result of the fruitful activities of our Bureau during the last 13 years.

This is also demonstrated by the results of the Survey carried out by the Social and market research agency „Latvijas fakti”, what confirms that in 2015 is observed the lowest level of corrupt activities in comparison with all the previous surveys, done since January of 1999.

According to the dynamics of the results, obtained during the Survey, shows that continue to fall the number of people, who have been committed corrupt activities the following fields: health care, in the contact with the Road police, registration of the vehicle or technical inspection of it, getting a passport or its change, acquisition of permission for residence.

As well as, has increased a trust of society to our Bureau as an independent and politically neutral body, because in 2015 Call center of Bureau received a large number of calls  - 3272 (in 2014 – 1941).

We note that corruption perceptions index reflects perception of corruption and not the actual situation, which is almost impossible to measure accurately, because corruption is latent criminal activity.

Therefore, Bureau invites everyone not to be tolerant against corruption and to inform about corruption cases our Bureau on Brīvības Street 104 k -2, Riga, or calling by phone 80002070, or sending the information electronically to e-mail address: