Transparency International has released its annual report on Corruption Perceptions Index for 2014, which shows that Latvia has reached a score of 55 for Corruption Perception Index and gets 43rd position comparing to the other countries.

Last year Latvia got 49th position and its score was 53, which means that the situation has improved and Latvia’s population thinks that corruption in the country has reduced.

Transparency International mentioned countries what are in the top of the index score and where corruption in public sector is limited.

Also Transparency International encourages countries to do more to prevent money laundering and not to allow secret companies to hide corruption.

Transparency International reported that capacity of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia (KNAB) to fight corruption has been internationally recognized and mentioned that it is important to ensure KNAB’s independence.

The existing model of KNAB is effective and the functions of corruption prevention and combating complement each other.

Transparency International is the global civil society organization leading the fight against corruption.